Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – December 2004

PRESIDENT – Farley Phillips
SECRETARY - Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday December 7 at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM.

In accordance with the Club bylaws, the December 7th meeting has been designated as the Annual meeting. The 2004 Officers will report on their activities, during the year; and, the election of Officers for 2005 will be held. The candidates for the offices are:
         President -              Bob McMillan
         Vice- President -    Charlie Dedon
         Secretary -             Willard Beard
         Treasurer -             B.C. Kistler

These offices are unopposed so there will be no formal election. They will just take office.  If you got bypassed and want to be considered for any office you must be present to let it be known.

President Farley Phillips called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 PM. Farley asked Vic Jines who was sitting in for Secretary Willard Beard to read the minutes from the October, 2004 meeting.  The minutes were read and approved.
Farley then asked Treasurer B.C. Kistler to give a treasurer report. B.C. reported the club has a balance of $3239.45. This includes the $295 spent on treating the field for grubs and fire ants last week and a corrected profit of $605.07 made at the Big Bird Fly-in. The report was approved as read.

Farley then asked Field Committee Chairman Rufus Lejeune to give his report. Rufus stated the field is in good condition but the committee has lost the services of Glen Darce who has resigned. Marvin Wooster offered his services and joined the committee. The field had been sprayed for grub worms and fire aunts. He also stated the shed and front gate had been left unlocked. This puts the field and shed contents at great risk and must be avoided.

Farley then turned to Safety Officer Bob McMillan for his report. Bob stated he had nothing to report. Farley asked if there was any old business. George Sexton requested that at the next Big Bird an area different from that used for start and warm-up of the large planes be designated.

The Cajun R/C Club is having a Fly-in Saturday November 6.

Farley asked if there was any new business. Raymond and his son, Michael became members of the club. We all welcome them. Raymond David was voted in as a member effective January,  2005. We all welcome him to the club.

A slate of officer candidates to be voted on at the December, 2004 meeting was offered.
They are:   President - Bob McMillan
                  Vise President- Charles Dedon
                   Secretary- Willard Beard
                   Treasurer- B.C. Kistler
                   Safety Officer- MikeGoetzman
                   Field Committee Chairman- Rufus Lejeune
                   Web Master- Richard Mason
                    News Letter- Jim Lyon

The December meeting is the annual meeting and all members are encouraged to attend. The Newsletter and our Web site will announce this.

Glen Gresens strongly recommended the club start putting aside money for the purchase another mowing machine. No action was taken.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.